Advent Series: “Angels Among Us”
Sundays, December 1, 8, 15, 22
The angels that appear in the story of Jesus’ birth would have been very comfortable in our world of texting and messaging, tweets and hashtags (via Bluesky, of course). Their messages were often short and to the point — their favorite one being #DoNotBeAfraid.
During the four Sundays of Advent, through dramatic skits and scripture dialogues, we will share in the Advent-ures of these winged messengers as they visit a fearful, weary and war-torn world to offer life-transforming messages of good news to Zechariah, Mary, Joseph and the Shepherds. The angels remind us that we, too, can send and receive messages of good news that inspire courage in the face of fear, and bring #morehope, #morepeace, #morejoy, and #morelove into our lives and world. Each week a child “angel” will Bring in the Light and a family will lead the liturgy for the Lighting of the Advent Candles of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.
Children’s Church will meet every Sunday during Advent season. Each Sunday, the children will meet a good news Angel Messenger sent to visit different people to prepare them for the birth of Jesus. There will be angel crafts and an opportunity to create good news messages for the congregation each week. The children will prepare a song to perform in worship December 22.
Advent Candle-Making Workshop
Sunday, November 24 at noon in the Fellowship Hall
In this season where we celebrate the Light of Christ shining in the darkness and growing from week to week as we anticipate the celebration of his birth, Katharine Jolda will be leading children and youth in a beeswax candle-making workshop during fellowship time after the worship service.
Youth Group Christmas Party & Caroling
Sunday, December 8, 3:00-7:00pm, meet in the Gallery
We will begin by caroling at the homes of our church elders and end with pizza, games and a white elephant party at Miles’ house. Please RSVP here!
Blue Holiday Circle of Care
Wednesday, December 11, 7:00pm in the Sanctuary
This season brings up many emotions, including grief for loved ones we miss and grief over our world situation. It can also be a time when we feel lonely or isolated and need to be encircled by a loving community. All are welcome to join in a circle of support in which there will be time for sharing, music meditation, prayer and candle lighting. For more information contact Rev. Laura at
Christmas Dreams
142nd Annual Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 22 at 6:00pm
Join in this beloved free community event to celebrate the awe of the Christmas season through music. The concert is free and a good will offering will be shared between the Alameda Midway Shelter and our church’s ministries. More info here.
Candlelight Christmas Eve & Christmas Pageant
Tuesday, December 24 at 5:00pm
We will celebrate the Angels Among Us and the good news of Christ’s birth with the sounds of our chancel and bell choirs, a little drama, storytelling and an opportunity for all to participate in an intergenerational “pop up” Christmas Pageant. We will close the evening with our annual Silent Night candle-lighting.