Worship with us! Sundays 10:30am 


Our Values

First Congregational Church of Alameda is a welcoming, justice-seeking, intergenerational community grounded in God’s abundant love and extending that love out to the world. We celebrate difference, and we believe we can make a difference in the world.

We are a married gay couple with toddler twins. We are an interracial straight couple in their 30s, one of whom serves in the Coast Guard. We are a recent widow in her 70s, and a 97-year-old grandmother many times over. We are a teenager with special needs, along with his loving siblings and two moms. We are all of us, together.

Data from 2021
(Data from 2021)
While historically our City of Alameda has lagged behind the greater Bay Area in terms of its racial and ethnic diversity, our congregation reflects Alameda’s increasing diversity. We are building a community where each person is affirmed as a beloved child of God, made in God’s image.
Through service and fellowship, we engage with each other and the greater community. All too often, the world’s problems threaten to overwhelm, and it’s hard to believe we can make a difference. At FCCA, you can join with other like-minded people who are doing just that—starting right here in Alameda.
Our church has been instrumental in forming and leading the Alameda All Faiths Coalition, an active voice for justice and mutual understanding in our community.
“The mission of First Congregational Church of Alameda is to welcome all into an intentionally inclusive fellowship where we strengthen our personal relationships with God. Through the teachings of Jesus and in an atmosphere of love, we nurture, support and challenge one another, and are empowered to advance our strong tradition of social consciousness and service.”

“As a faith community who follows the teachings and example of Jesus, we are committed to creating a more inclusive community – one that affirms and defends the civil and human rights of every person or group, especially those who face oppression based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, social economic status, spiritual path or affiliation, immigration status, or mental or physical ability.” (adopted January 29, 2017)

“We remember that each of us is a child of God. We respect and care for each other. We respect and care for our whole congregation.” Read our full Covenant of Behavior.
Eric Hartz and Rev. Lacey Hunter at the inaugural Alameda Pride Fair in 2022.

Each of us is a beloved child of God, and to volunteer in that spirit out in our own community shows anyone who has experienced pain caused directly by the church that there’s another way, and we’re living it here.

– Eric Hartz

FCCA is a loving, supportive, and accepting environment where we feel free to be our truly authentic selves… I have people outside of my family to love and support me.

– Evelyn S., Youth Group member

New Here ?

People who visit our church come from many different backgrounds. Some have never been part of a faith community and are at the beginning of their spiritual exploration. Others may be reclaiming their faith after being hurt by limiting and limited theologies and institutions. Still others are new to Alameda or the Bay Area and are seeking a spiritual home.

Curious about what it means to be a progressive Christian? Join an Inquirer’s Gathering to get a better understanding of what we value as a community, find ways to engage, and share a bit about who you are and your faith journey. There’s lots of room for questions, doubts, and dialogue.

Our community is blessed with a spirit of collaboration and an abundance of creativity. Whether you’re looking for people to study with, sing with, serve with, or savor a good meal with, there’s a way for you to become a part of our community life here at FCCA.

We work with intention to integrate new members. The Spirit of God blows people to our doorstep for a reason. It is our job as a community to discover the gifts you and your family bring and the gifts we can share with you.

How do you want to get involved

Meet the Team


Rev. Dr. Laura Rose

Senior Minister

Rev. Laura Rose began her service as Senior Minister at First Congregational Church Alameda in August 2003.


Sadie Foltz

Childcare Assistant

Sadie Foltz is an Alameda native majoring in Early Childhood Education at Peralta Colleges.

Patricia Lara

Childcare Lead

Patricia Lara has worked more than 10 years in the field of early childhood education.

Janice Peterson

Director of Music and Organist

A native of Kansas City, Missouri, Janice has served as organist and choir director for churches in the Midwest prior to coming to FCCA in 2000.

A smiling nonbinary white person in front of an orange tree.

Logan Rimel

Office and Facilities Manager

Logan Rimel is an administrative and communications professional, a writer, and an avid podcast listener.

Jamar Wilson


Hi, my name is Jamar Wilson. I’m married with 3 kids. I like to hang out with my family, cook, play video games, go on vacations/trips

Ministers in Covenant

Rev. Alexandra Childs

Rev. Alexandra Childs

Minister-in-Covenant, Traveling Minister of the Arts

Building sacred environments that are as beautiful as they are transformative.

Rev. Sophia Dewitt

Rev. Sophia DeWitt

Minister-in-Covenant, East Bay Housing Organizations


A strong advocate for housing justice in Northern California.

Rev. Jonathan Leavy

Rev. Jonathan Leavy

Minister-in-Covenant, Suncrest Hospice


Jonathan's life and faith were impacted by his positive experience in a Presbyterian youth group.

FCCA Pride contingent at the Alameda Fourth of July parade, 2015.


Since its founding in 1879, the people of FCCA have sought to make an impact beyond our walls. We have been at the forefront of issues of inclusion and social justice, carrying on the Congregational tradition that advocated for the end of slavery and the ordination of women as well as the United Church of Christ’s leadership role in working for the civil rights of people of color, women, refugees, differently-abled, and LGBTQ+ people. Read more.

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