September Theme: Opening Our Heart Home
September 8 | Homecoming Sunday | Welcoming Self and Others
The beginning of a new program year and a season of celebration! Our choirs resume and weekly Children’s Church begins for all children K-5th grade.
September 15 | Blessing of the Animals | Welcoming our Creatures
Celebrate the divine gift of unconditional love with our beloved animal companions.
September 22 | Affirmation of Lay Ministry | Welcoming our Gifts
We honor all those involved in lay ministry, and host a special fellowship time with guided table conversations.
September 29 | Stewardship Season Kick-off & Annual Church Picnic
“Embodying the Kin-dom” will be our theme this Stewardship Season. After the service, we’ll gather for an afternoon of fellowship, BBQ, fun and games. This is a Sunday when you’ll want to invite your friends and neighbors!