Palm Passion Sunday: Fast from Apathy, Embrace Lament
Sunday, March 24
(Bring Your Own Hosanna Protest Sign) All ages are invited to participate in our opening Hosanna Palm Protest Parade. The people cried out Hosanna which means “help us or save us!” We hope you will bring a simple sign made at home with words expressing your cry for justice or peace in our world. Later in the service, as we remember Jesus’ sorrow in the Garden of Gethsemane, we join the Birds of Gaza project to both lament the loss and honor the lives of the children lost in Gaza. Peace doves will be available to write down their names as well as express prayers for peace and justice in our world.
Maundy Thursday Soup Supper Love Feast
Thursday, March 28 at 6:15pm in the Fellowship Hall
In the spirit of the early church’s first-century “Love Feasts,” we will gather in the fellowship hall for an all-ages Soup Supper. In addition to sharing a meal, there will be a simple prayer liturgy, hand-washing ritual, time for table conversation and a celebration of the Lord’s Supper. If you plan to attend, please RSVP and sign up. Four volunteers are needed to cook or bring a meat or vegetarian soup option. Other attendees are invited to sign up to bring bread, juice, or veggies and dip to share. We also invite volunteers for set up and clean up.
Our Lives Connected: The Cross as Solidarity
Multi-Church Good Friday Service
Friday, March 29 at 7:00pm, Orinda Community Church
Livestream available
Join Rev. Lacey and ten other UCC congregations in a contemplative seven last words of Jesus worship. On this night, we remember the death-dealing forces of empire that killed Jesus and commit our lives to overturning these oppressive systems in today’s world for the sake of God’s kin-dom of love, justice and peace.
Easter Sunday: Embracing LIFE!
Sunday, March 31
Easter Sunday Celebration Service with liturgical dance. spirited music, and time to reflect on what it means for each of us to rise again in “newness of life.”
Youth Group Easter Bake Sale
Youth Group is fundraising for our summer service trip with the Sierra Service Project in Chiloquin, Oregon. Help make this trip possible with your financial contributions. We’ll be selling a variety of baked goods, including gluten-free and lactose-free items, ranging from muffins, assorted cookies, breads & more! Spread the word. Payment is welcome by cash, check, or online donation via by selecting the “Youth Group SSP” dropdown option.
Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
after worship in the Garden/Courtyard
All children 5th grade and younger are invited to participate. In support of FCCA’s commitment to care for the earth, plastic Easter eggs are reused and filled with wildflower seed papers.