Worship with us! Sundays 10:30am 

Integrity of Creation Weekend

Saturday, April 20  |  Alameda Beach Cleanup
Join us at Crown Memorial Beach, 9:00am-12:00pm. Volunteer sign-up here!

Sunday, April 21
“Earth Forms Us: dirty, rooted, beloved”  |  Intergenerational Worship Service  |  10:30am, FCCA Sanctuary
Celebrate our kinship with all of creation. Through creative prayer and interactive rituals, we will explore how creation calls us into beloved community across time and with our whole beings.
Planting Day  | 12:00pm, meet in fellowship hall
Feel the earth between your fingers, enjoy the sun and camaraderie on this Sunday afternoon! We’re looking for some gardeners and helpers to give the Easter plants a permanent home in the Memorial Garden or the Chestnut Street garden after the church service. Please bring your own tools, if you have any.


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