Worship with us! Sundays 10:30am 

June Communion Offering: Black Wealth Builders Fund

This month’s communion offering goes to the Black Wealth Builders Fund. Founded in 2021 by Susan Russell and Rev. Barry Cammer in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder in Minneapolis and the subsequent racial reckoning that is ongoing in the United States, the fund provides zero-interest down payment assistance loans to first-time Black homebuyers. The goal of the fund is to enhance generational wealth within the Black community as a form of reparations and an opportunity for people of any color to help address the tremendous damage that occurred during and after slavery in the U.S., and continues today in the form of racial inequities in health, education and especially in housing.

Rev. Barry Cammer will be our guest speaker on Sunday, June 2. He is an ordained minister in the UCC with standing in the Northern California Nevada Conference. He has served parishes in Richland, Washington, Berkeley, Orinda, and Kensington, California. For almost 30 years his identified ministry was affordable housing for seniors, mobility impaired adults, and families. Although retired from active service in affordable housing, Barry continues to offer pastoral counseling and spiritual direction through Healthy Path Pastoral Counseling.

We invite as generous a response as you are able. Make out a check to FCCA with “BWBF” in the memo line or give via Tithe.ly.


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