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June Communion Offering: Loomis Basin UCC & The Landing Spot

June Communion Offering: Loomis Basin UCC & The Landing Spot

The Landing Spot a is a non-religious LGBTQIA+ support and advocacy group started by Rev. Casey Tinnin, pastor of our sister church, Loomis Basin United Church of Christ near Sacramento. For years, the group has been helping LGBTQIA+ youth and families by offering monthly support groups and providing resources to youth and their parents. The group has had a very positive and collaborative relationship with the school districts in Placer County.

Over the last few months, we have shared during our worship service the controversy that unfolded when Rev. Casey was filmed under false pretenses and without his knowledge by a conservative political action group called Project Veritas. The video was highly edited and circulated widely with the intent of maligning Rev. Casey, the Loomis UCC Church and the Landing Spot. Rev. Casey has received death threats and the church has received threats of violence by members of the Proud Boys and other such groups. The school districts that had been working collaboratively with The Landing Spot have withdrawn their support.

A recent article from Gold Country media recounts the positive impact the Landing Spot has had on a parent:

When her son came out, the mother said, “I had no idea what to do or where to go.” So she looked on the Loomis church’s website and found Tinnin’s phone number. She said that Tinnin was quick to provide her with resources on how to navigate this new parenting territory. “He showed up for me,” she said about Tinnin. “He became an important part of our family journey.” She and her son would become some of the first members of The Landing Spot in its infancy.

In honor of Pride month this Sunday, our FCCA Communion Offering will go to supporting the future work of The Landing Spot as it provides a safe space for youth and their parents in an area where there is evidence of great hostility and potential violence. You can write your check to FCCA or give online via Tithe.ly.


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