Worship with us! Sundays 10:30am 

November Communion Offering: Neighbors in Need

In 2023, the Neighbors in Need focus is on environmental justice. Plastics, electronics, and other non-compostable wastes are being shipped across, and even tossed into, our waterways, launched into space, as well as buried in landfills. As people of faith, we believe these egregious acts are sinful and unholy. We must be better stewards of our planet! 

One-third of the offering supports Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds are used by Justice and Witness Ministries to provide grants to UCC churches and organizations as well as supporting a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects.

Please consider giving generously. You are invited to give by check this Sunday, mail a check to the church, give online via Tithe.ly, or use the Tithe.ly app. If giving via Tithe.ly, be sure to choose “Nov Communion offering—Neighbors in Need” from the menu.


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